“Moon Path”

"Moon Path"

“Moon Path”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I was floundering about trying to find something to paint this evening. It had been ready to rain all day and finally started to spit an hour before sunset with gusts to 30. I changed locations by about 10 miles and found, to my delight, little wind, no spitting and a few patches of fading blue above me! No time to think… grabbed my gear and raced out into this meadow. It was 10 to 8. Sun sets at 8. The sky just tipped into orange above the cloud banks. Grabbed the biggest brush and zoomed until I couldn’t see what colors were being laid down… 5 flattened mosquitoes on left hand, 4 on right… get that moon in… oh! the orange… the water… the path… the green… the car… done…!

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