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fishing shack · Thaw Malin Art

fishing shack

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"Scallop Season"

“Scallop Season”

“Scallop Season”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Rain swept in today on a slow horse. I couldn’t get a gallup on in time to cheat it. I scouted various potentials, but they wouldn’t work for sitting in the van to paint. I was about to give it up, until this boat caught my eye as I spun around to leave the parking area. Dark, damp and dreary, the wet brought out the darks and saturated what color still bedecked the landscape. In a minor key, without shadows nor highlights of sun, the color spoke to me…
(In case you’ve been thinking I’ve been slacking off, I have been locked in my studio for more than a week finishing an 18 painting commission of a local golf club, started plein air in April. I have slipped out near sunset to grab a golf cart and revisit a few locations with canvases to refresh some specific points of interest. It has been a grand experience. First the course owned me, but soon enough I realized I was the master and made the paintings in my own landscape language. I’d like to share with you, but probably can’t until they are published in the members book sometime in the next few months. Sorry. I will be done with them in 5 more days and my painting will get back to a regular pace. Thanks for having patience!)

"Signs Of Fall"

“Signs Of Fall”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I almost missed this painting opportunity. I love the views in the fishing village of Menemsha. Concentrating on the boats in port and their respective docks and gear, I almost didn’t see the colors of the far shore. It is full of a patch of rosa rugosa, locally known as beach rose. Usually a full, deep green color with red/pink or white roses, it opens its blooms early in spring. The scent, mixed with the aroma of the sea salty air, is a heady nose full of the summer to come. This particular stand had all turned a rusty yellow orange, stacked one atop the other marching up the hillside. On this bleak cold, almost snowy day, they were a welcome warming sight to behold…

"Off Shore Gear"

“Off Shore Gear”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Especially this time of year, colors change quickly down in the fishing village of Menemsha. Gear comes out of barns, backyards and vacant lots where it has been stowed for the off fishing season. Stacked up and reoutfitted next to the shacks and boats along the docks, the gear size, shape, and color seems in constant flux on its way out to the ocean deep. This is my favorite time to be down by the waters painting. The fishermen are usually up so early that none are around at the end of the day to disturb any of my newfound “still lifes”. None of the sport fishermen have put their craft to sea yet. So they are not parading past me in car and truck disturbing the peace. The tourists, if any are about, are all inside with their cocktails at this hour of the year. I am left with the ducks, loons and seagulls to squawk at our hearts content…

"Early Shadows"

“Early Shadows”, this is a Small painting, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I woke up early, very early for me, knowing this would be the perfect warm windless morning in which to create this painting. It has been in my mind for most of a year to do an early morning shadow painting down along the docks. It was an even better morning than I could imagine. The fishermen were not out and about as the season was still early. No pick ups driving back and forth with gear. No attitudes about the painter taking up the roadway. No shower of dust from the road bed as someone had to race by for who knows why. No trucks crowding out the view of the old fishing shacks. Just a great morning to be out painting here…

(click on image to enlarge)
“On The River”

“On The River”, this is a Small one, 6″x 8″, oil on canvas panel, $750.00 US