
You are currently browsing articles tagged dunes.

"Chilmark Moon"

“Chilmark Moon”

“Chilmark Moon”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

Sometimes the weather does not cooperate, and sometimes I do not cooperate. This time it was me. I did this painting of the October full moon and wanted to go back and work on the landscape part a bit more. But, the weather closed in and I never got there. So I did go back recently and fixed things up to my liking. Then, I got excited about another piece I was working on and totally forgot about this one until tonight…

"Cedar Tree to Makoniky"

“Cedar Tree to Makoniky”

“Cedar Tree to Makoniky”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I went to the bank to get some cash. All the bankers were dressed up as Red Sox players and were giving away candies. I got back in the car with the money and started to drive about in a day dream. Baseball. Halloween. Candy. Cash. I came out of it and found I had driven to the old farm at Cedar Tree Neck. No other vehicles around, but the barn side door was latched wide open with a decent breeze going directly in the opening. I called and knocked and went to the house and did the same. No one. I left my calling card on my dashboard in case someone should drive up and check to see who was here. I grabbed my stuff and headed up the hill above the beach. It was close to raining, yet held off and I dashed the paint about. I kept thinking I was hearing voices, very distant and indistinct, but, again, no one. I finished. Walked back past house and… a light was on in the house! I went to the kitchen door this time and knocked and hollered. No one came. Maybe, it was automatically timed. The barn door was still wide opened. It was getting dark. I called knocked and hollered in there just for good measure. Perhaps, I thought, as I put my gear back in my van, my friend Joan had made a grocery run and I just missed her. I went back to the open barn and left my calling card inside on the stairs with a pebble upon it. Just in case there was a fearful child hiding in the house until mom or grand mom came back with the groceries to save them. At least there was proof that I had been there, but, was anyone else???.…

"Dreams Of Cuttyhunk"

“Dreams Of Cuttyhunk”

“Dreams of Cuttyhunk”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

A chance encounter, passing a friend on a one lane dirt road, lead to permission to paint at this owner-vacant property. There was a ladder left from the day’s carpentry work leaning against the second floor balcony. I didn’t hesitate to use it to capture this sunset view. Thank you, Ted!…

"Almost Sundown"

“Almost Sundown”

“Almost Sundown”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Upon arriving, I found parking lot and dunes all in shadow. I walked up the beach path to the dune top thinking I would have to fish and not paint, as the light had gone. Seeing this view I hurried back down. Grabbing gear I raced back to catch this last sliver of reflected sunshine. The moment passed way too quickly as all turned to shadow colors. As I looked at my unfinished work and started to pack, again, I thought of catching some fish for dinner. Couples began appearing at the dune top after their sunset watch from the beach below. The first group had fishing rods and a striped bass. I did my standard fish inquiry, where, when, lure or bait and started packing up faster! The next couple stopped on top to catch their breath clutching two blue fish. After my questioning and congratulating, I found myself with my two bags and a blue fish to juggle down to the parking lot. Now I had a real dilemma, go right home, clean and cook this fresh fish, or go back to catch my own. I took the easy way out and it was delicious. I came back the next evening to finish this painting and left with only two bags to carry back down to the car…

"Black Point After Rain"

“Black Point After Rain”

“Black Point After Rain”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

A heavy rain silenced all much of the day. Near evening, clouds cleared and a vibrant sunset put smiles on most faces. I ventured out and as I worked was defended by a large flock of tree and barn swallows diving and scooping up the multitude of mosquitos about at dusk…



“Lobsterville!”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Considering how frantic this island is in summer, especially mid August, on a weekend and with the President here, I was all alone at the beach as far as I could see. I even got my fishing rod out after this painting and tempted the gods of fish. Three other souls joined me at dusk, thrashing the waters for naught. But, what a beautiful night in Lobsterville!…

"The Unicorn And Tomahawk"

“The Unicorn And Tomahawk”

“The Unicorn and Tomahawk”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

It was sprinkling when I got here to Dogfish Bar. So I walked out to photo the tern colony and it sort of stopped being wet. I came back to the car and decided to try a go at it. As I worked, the Unicorn chugged into the scene. Then I saw the Tomahawk screaming back to homeport. The painting had been lacking a center and it was easy to lock the boats into place with a few dabs of paint. Sprinkles started again and I quickly packed and got to the van before the downpour began in earnest…

"Quansoo Opening"

“Quansoo Opening”

“Quansoo Opening”, this is a large painting, 30″ x 40″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

(Please note that this is 30″x 40″, 25 times my normal size!)
Great News!!! …My new studio is now open by appointment. If you find yourself on Martha’s Vineyard and would like to actually see my work in real life, not digital! please call, text or email me and I will be happy to welcome you in. Five Zero Eight – Five Six Zero – Four Four Three Seven
Seven years ago this week, when I first began my Painting-a-Day adventure, I was not looking this far into my creative future. I was just thankful that I could keep making one more painting to place in front of yesterday’s piece. I found that I have learned a great deal about making a painting and what makes a painting great. I have had weeks without a sale and then months where everything I create is sold. I have made many new friends through my paintings. Thank you! I am happy and grateful to all who cannot resist buying or are actively collecting my works and to all who voice their appreciations of an image here or an image there. I know that I spend too much time on most paintings, working into the wee hours to come to completion, but if I’m not satisfied, I’m not sure anyone else would be either. Then there are days when the image comes out in a half hour, done! Magic, but I know I earned it! Other days I return depressed at not finding a thing to put on canvas. The problem with the paintings-a-day is that the process took over my life, but in a good way. Only, it had nudged out extra time for larger works.
Recently, I have given myself permission to take 2 days to work on some paintings, or to not go out at all to capture a new subject. On these days, I have begun to work on larger canvases in my new studio. After rummaging back in time for an image I have done, saved, seen or photoed while out scouting, I have found some which will make great, large paintings. Today’s piece is a celebration for me. This painting is the first large one I have done and finished in almost 5 years. I knew what the image was going to be the moment I saw it out in the field. I went out multiple times to its location to photo it over the past winter/spring and sometimes just to sit, and watch the light play as the sun closed out the day. It burned a hole in my consciousness until I completed it on canvas…

"Red Beach"

“Red Beach”

“Red Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

A beautiful sunny day found me closeted in my van while I did this painting. The wind had died and it was gorgeous out. Not a soul was on the beach, nor in the parking lot. I soon discovered why. The no-see-ums were the force to be reckoned with. They were under my hat, in my glasses, on my hands, in my ears, on my neck, all over me within moments of stepping out of the vehicle. Retreat was my only option…

"Zen Of Fog"

“Zen Of Fog”

“Zen of Fog”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This was a chancy view to paint. It looked like rain any second, and, well, I would have been better off if it had. I only stayed out for 40 minutes. When I left, my glasses were unusable, all my gear had water droplets on it. My easel was dripping rivulets onto my palette. My roll of paper towels, you know how much water Bounty holds, I had to unroll it to dry at home! If it had just rained, I would have gotten the hint much faster. The colors were so stimulating in their spring mode yet soften by the fog and distance. I have painted this path before. It actually goes up and down the dune and also around it to the left, in case you don’t feel like up and down. However, in this light it has an other worldly feeling to it.…

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