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buildings · Thaw Malin Art


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"Blue Tashmoo"

“Blue Tashmoo”

“Blue Tashmoo”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I can’t say that I have been enjoying all the snow we’ve had recently. However, I did like this snow in the early morning hours. Nature seemed to be trying out every shade of blue to see which fit in correctly…

"Island, Home"

“Island, Home”

“Island, Home”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This was a good day to paint by the harbor, no breeze, full sun and in the low 40’s. It was a bad time to paint the Island Home ferry. It stays in port about half an hour, unloading and then loading cars and passengers before heading back to the mainland. I thought I had that much time to paint it in. But, oh no, five minutes later, a freight boat came into the slip in front of me and blocked most of the larger boat. Luckily, in this season, there is little freight and it left soon after arriving. In the few minutes remaining, I finished all the details of the larger vessel…

"Now We Are Talking"

“Now We Are Talking”

“Now We Are Talking”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I am so glad to slowly get back to painting. For the past week my routine and studio have been totally disrupted. I have hosted a work crew to put down new floors in my living and working space as well as try to finish a herringbone pattern on the new deck floor. I started this piece over a week ago, but then the crew moved in. Between 7am strategy sessions over coffee on the merits of 6″ mahogany decking over 3″, before picking it up at the lumber yard, to finding a bad section of pre-made and laid flooring at 9pm before dinner, life has been full. Now my painting space and time are almost back to normal. Even though it is colder and darker out, I will be relishing every moment outside at my easel. After my last painting where, you may recall, I hung out my laundry for all to see, I received an invitation to come and create at this location. The conversation quickly left the topic of laundry in the dust as we went on to discussed location and view. I was unprepared for this one as I rounded the corner of house and hill and the totality of this grand vista gripped my imagination. I had only come to scout, but was compelled to whip this view onto my canvas…

"Dinghy Beach"

“Dinghy Beach”

“Dinghy Beach”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

Before clouds came in, it was a beautiful day to scout about this side of Vineyard Haven harbor. Although many of the moorings are empty in the outer harbor, it still looks chock full close to shore. Many subjects caught my eye. It was on my walk back to get my paints out of the van that I was struck by the blue interior of this beached dinghy and the colors beyond…

"Blue Moon Sail"

“Blue Moon Sail”

“Blue Moon Sail”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I painted most of this a few days back and only now have had enough time in my studio to finish it. The evening was gorgeous and the larger ferry, “Island Home”, passed through the rising moon and my location here. Tempted as I was to place it in the painting, this catboat came sailing in as the light faded and I knew it was a better choice…



“Chilmarsh”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

This is a beautiful section of marsh around a small island as seen from the boat launch by Quitsa bridge. I used my artist’s license to remove a few objects to have an unobstructed view. I have been intrigued by this area for many years, but was never quite sure how to capture it until now. The late afternoon sunlight and resultant shadows add much drama to the scene…

"V.H. By The Bridge"

“V.H. By The Bridge”

“V.H. By The Bridge”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I have been here many times, but never noticed the summer shadows at this hour before. I had to stop to let someone pass. That is when I knew it was a painting waiting to be plucked…

"Solstice Moon"

“Solstice Moon”

“Solstice Moon”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

I motored to 3 different locations to capture the moon rising. I got my bearings mixed up and came here to sort it all out and paint this view instead. Never mind that there were heavy clouds along the east horizon, I soon realized I might be in “the spot” after all. I almost stopped before the moon peeked out. A fisherman suddenly appeared, walking up by the tree in the painting, holding a 34″ striped bass he had just that minute caught. I resisted temptation and kept painting, eventually fishing after dark. I returned home canvas full but fishless…

"Rainyday Red"

“Rainyday Red”

“Rainyday Red”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. This painting has SOLD.

I would not have done this painting if it weren’t for Stephen Larsen. Stopping to say hi as we passed each other in our cars on fisherman’s lane, he said he was done for the day. “Take my parking spot by my fishing shack if you want to paint.” And just like he said I’d do, I made his shack and area look way too clean. I only wish I could have made his boat look just as clean, but it’s to the left behind the shack. Oh well, another day…

"Squibnocket Point"

“Squibnocket Point”

“Squibnocket Point”, this is a small painting, 6″ x 8″, oil on canvas panel. $750.00 USD

There have been recent sunny days, but not always into the late afternoon/evening. Created over multiple visits, this painting has been a slow finish. As the daylight lengthens and the ocean warms, the waters by the point will entice bass and bluefish close enough to catch for dinner…

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